domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

Talent Show

presenters for the big event of the day for years English was the students:

-> Valentina Botello
-> Javier Ochoa

The evening began with presentations from people who wanted to show his talent in this event there were many presentations with different talents exeptional afloatshowed their skills in English and acts of this caliber and the 1101 grade studentswith a dance that pleases all for their style and originality, showing so many talentslike singing, dancing, poetry and more.

The representation of a dance hall were set several courses involving students:

- Jualian Villate
- Juan Pablo Vega
- Juan Diego Pinto
- Santago Cipagauta

Another representation of the room was the estuadiantes Kevin Steven AponteCristian Albarracin And who sang the song In The End Linkin Park.

Beatiful Day

The day started for everyone with a flag-raising activities indicating the day andtimes each. for ninth, and onces the day we started with a chat with them comingout students realized the importance of English in business, at work and in manymore situations of everyday life. Below was a test of the school with which mediate the academic level of the school in English after the break doing this during the next two hours until lunch.

After lunch all the students had the talent show presentation of the tenth and eleventh students helped with the organization of such an important event in the school office this year in an orderly and organized if you want to know more aboutthis event Click here Talen Show